Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Two months ago Mark Perry posted this video on his blog. Originally, I thought it was clever thinking, "Yeah, we don't realize how nice we have it". However, that was before the video was emailed to me 4 times, shown in 2 meetings, posted on facebook, and finally played to me by my roommate. I am sick and tired of hearing this guy complain about the complainers. And so I feel it is time for me to complain about the people complaining about complainers.
Complainers always get a bad wrap. They are an easy target because, let's face it, everyone hates a complainer. That being the case, I would ask you to put aside your grudges and consider for just a moment everything we owe to the complainers. For instance, the reason we don't have those annoying rotary phones is because, someone said, "Hm, I really hate having to go all the way to a phone booth to make a call, wouldn't it be nice to call while I am in my car or as I walk through the park?" Now, there were probably nay sayers at the time who said "You spoiled brat, don't you realize how amazing the phone is!" The same person probably would have said "Why are you complaining that it takes 3 days to take a train across the country. It took the pioneers three months! You complainer." I would personally like to thank the guy on the plane complaining about not having wireless access. And the girl who had to wait a few seconds for her phone signal to reach space.
So to all of the other complainers out there...Keep on complaining!