Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I hope they call me on a mission...again

My friend Jesse reminded me of all the dreams I used to have of being called on a mission again. I'm always full of mixed emotions during those dreams. Part of me is excited to be back in Germany, but as soon as we have to start going door to door, I start wondering how I ended back there. But still anytime I hear about someone going on a mission or I hear a missionary story, it brings back all the good memories. So since I have been thinking about that today, and will most likely be dreaming about it tonight. I figured I would share my new favorite Missionary photo. It was taken by my cousin Justin, of my Aunt Lonnie, and Uncle Allen.


The Girl said...
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The Girl said...

Now that is a photo!

The Girl said...

P.S. My middle name is Lynnette, no Lynette. Stupid Google