Sunday, August 19, 2007

Viva Vivian

Vivian Fisher, an original Austinite, has a host of unique abilities and characteristics which include but are not limited to the ability to function without sleep. Today she shares how she got started with her study program and gives us a few other insights to answer the question: "Who is Vivian Fisher?".

You follow a rigorous study program where you have a new topic each week, what made you start this?

I believe you should learn something new each day. You need to simulate your brain. There would be times would I be reading a book and I would read something I didn’t know about, and I would want to learn more about it, so that is how it started. Then friends would give me ideas of things to study. Knowledge is the only thing that you can take with you. And I also have always had the goal to be on Jeopardy.

What has been your favorite topic?

Once I studied Spaghetification that was a really fun word. I got it from Elizabeth Jefferies, she was talking about astronomy and I didn’t know what it meant. It became my second favorite word. I also have enjoyed studying history. And recently I studied the real McCoy and learned the different type. But as I study my favorites change.

Have your studies effected what you would like to do for a career?

It is a hobby for now. It hasn’t changed what I ultimately want to do. Growing up I had different Ideas of what I want to do. Paleontology and history, because you get to study, however there isn’t much of a career in that.

What would your dream job be?

My dream job would be a paleontologist traveling around the world digging up bones and figuring out how to put them back together. Dinosaurs have always intrigued me. Or there is what I am hoping to do, to work with people with special needs. I’ve always gotten satisfaction from volunteering. They are great people. You can learn so much from them and have a lot of fun.
Also, a Rock and Roll historian. I would love to listen to rock all day and study it. I love the stories behind the music.

You served a mission in Paraguay. How did this change the way you look at the world?

I realize how fortunate I am to live in the US. Paraguay is like entering the third world. They are indigenous people. Lots of nomads, the bigger cities are industrial but it is just a very different feel. But also they are very proud and humble at the same time. They are very open and giving, here we are more closed. I wanted to be more like that. They have a very strong work ethic there, which I admire a lot. I think I have been open to other cultures, and I learned a lot about another culture, which was very enjoyable.

The 08 elections are all over the news right now, what qualities would you like to see in the future president?

Honesty, integrity…someone who can lead the country. Someone the country can have faith in. It is dividing us. Someone who can bring us back together. It’s a very hard job, it’s a hard position to hold. I admire people who are willing to go out and try. They have to take a lot of criticism and then keep pushing forward.

Do any of the candidates meet those criteria?

I do like what I’ve heard about Ron Paul, I like him a lot. I like Romney. I don’t know how well they will do, but I have more trust in them then the other candidates at the moment.

Where do you see your self in 5 years?

Hopefully married and starting a family. As far as living I like it here in Austin so hopefully still here. I would like to have traveled a bit.

What other things do you like to see in your future?

Hopefully I would like to accomplish some of the goals on my to do list. I would like to have gone to the very top of the Austin capital (that is just one of them) I hope I am still studying regularly. Finish with school.

1 comment:

meredith said...

Oh gavin! I forgot to look at this when I got it from you forever ago but I am doing it now and I LOVE IT! What fun. Plus the first post I read was about vivian and I love vivian. Keep writing and I will keep reading and we can keep happy.