Saturday, September 08, 2007

Fox, don't hate him because he's brilliant.

So once again the republican canidates lined up to for their debate. This time it was in New Hampshire and it was on FOX. Now there were a lot of things said and a few things learned. For one we learned that Rudy Guilani has great family values (he proved this by being the mayor of new york during 9-11). We also learned that he is the best in fighting the war on terror (proved by being the mayor of New York during 9-11). He is also the best at fixing the problem with illegal immigration, abortion, and high taxes (proved by being the mayor of New York during 9-11) And he didn't get a chance to mention it, but I am fairly certain that every one will have their wildest dreams come true if he becomes president (proven by him being the mayor of New York during 9-11).

We learned are that Brownback is really a decent fellow (If Ron wasn't running it would be a real toss up between him and Mit).

But the thing that was most apparent was that FOX hates Ron Paul. If you listened you would hear snickering every time he answered, also the people asking the questions were clearly baised. But did that hurt Ron Paul or his reputations? Well to find out why don't you find out by going to and search for "Presidential Debates". Go ahead, I can wait...Wow what do you know the first three things that come up are all clips of Ron Paul! No they aren't of the debates in general (the fourth is of the democrats debate), they aren't of Guiliani, Obama, Hillary, or Mit. In fact of the top ten items from that search Ron Paul comes up four times most of the others are just the general debates. When FOX tried to make Ron Paul look like a fool, he shot it just right back at them with good old fashion libertarianism. So the one thing I really learned from the debates...RON PAUL ROCKS!!

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