Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Regulators Mount Up

I was a bit upset after hearing Obama claim the economic crisis was caused by failed policies of this administration. This administration has made plenty of blunders, but giving them credit for the entire economy is a bit much. So when Mankiw posted a reply to Barack I decided to share it with a friend on Facebook. Another friend read the blog and said
See, the problem I have with this is that Mankiw accuses Barack Obama of saying something he didn't say. Nowhere in his comment did he say anything about the Republicans, or call out any Republicans by name. The deregulations began under Clinton and reached a fever pitch under Bush, but Obama never placed blame on either administration in particular.
The problem, is not Mankiw accusing Barack of saying something he didn't (he never says it was republican's but it is still clear, he has since said it was the republicans...repeatedly) but the problem is putting words in Mankiw's mouth. The article had nothing to do with regulation. It was about government, as Sowell pointed out, "createing an incentive for a company to take on risk and enjoy the associated increase in return." I don't know if the problem is due to a lack of understanding or a lack of reading the article. But, it seems most of the country is suffering from the same symptoms. So, as another friend on Facebook said. "Help us Obama-Wan-Kenobi, you're our only hope!"...of having ridiculous regulations that will undoubtably lead to another financial crisis bigger than this one.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Need a Appendectomy?

Milton Friedman often asserted the Government was largely responsible for the Great Depression and that the Federal Reserve should be replaced with a computer. Ben Bernanke responded by saying.
Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.
Well just 6 years later we are witnessing the largest bank failure in history. And many money market accounts are frozen due to a run on the banks. So Bernanke and Paulson are trying to work with congress to get a rescue package to save us from another great depression. Some say to follow Paulson, others say congress has the answers, or that we should listen to dirt farmers. But I think my brother Gardners facebook status summed it up best.
Having the government fix the financial crisis is like having an auto mechanic preform your appendectomy.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Splash and Dash

Last month I began my first semester of graduate school, and it felt like something was missing. Perhaps it was the full load of classes, the pressure of getting home work done, or even late nights in the Clyde. Regardless of what was causing this emptiness I knew there was only one cure. While at BYU the highlight of each semester was the splash and dash. Regardless of how miserable things got in school the Splash and Dash would put me back on top--not really the top, I took 3rd every time except once, but whose counting. So once again I am hoping it will temporarily fill the hole where a heart should be. For those of you who are aching to be aching come out saturday for your chance to be the one who insures I take home another bronze medal.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Feeling Altruistic

Years ago the Red cross wanted to increase the amount of blood being donated. Using basic economics they determined offering a small payment would provide an insensitive to entice new donors. Had the Red cross being dealing with another service their plan would have succeeded. However, it failed, dismally. Fewer people donated blood because they viewed the action as being less altruistic. Previously the "payment" for a few pints of blood was the feeling you had served your fellow man. If paid it wasn't really service. Causing a dilemma, blood was needed more than before, but now it was looked down on (Currently this can be seen with Plasma, were the only people who donate plasma are typically underprivileged or young. Even though donating plasma is just as great of service as donating blood). I viewed this firsthand during an activity put on for the Relief Society in the ward. After hearing the bishop remorse how several women in the ward never have the opportunity be courted by esteemed gentlemen. I decided we would at least give them the opportunity to dine and converse with a few cabelleros. After pitching the idea of making a dinner for the sisters, the Bishopric, who loved the idea, wanted to make the dinner themselves. Considering how most of our guest would prefer chicken cord on bleu to spaghetti, I let the bishopric cook. Reducing the elders assignment to serving dinner and providing delightful dinner conversation. My former ward calling was in Activities, where I had a string of horrendous activities that were hated by the masses. This was the first time I received compliments on an activity. Not only was the quantity of compliments high, but also the quality. Almost every girl I spoke with the following Sunday LOVED it. Yet, I keep hearing complaints from Elders saying "we didn't really serve them", or "we should have made the dinner". These comments made me decide it is time for a little analysis. Are we looking for ways to fill needs or are we looking for ways to feel needed? Are we trying to solve problems or are we just trying to get a warm fuzzy inside?

Monster in the closet.

Buddy is going to have a tough time sleeping again.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I am often considered by my co-workers and friends as "the cheapest person in America". Although in many respects they may be correct, I did however find one person who is even cheaper than I am when it comes to charitable giving.

*For the other candidates tax info go here.

* Update: Palin releases her info.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

LabVIEW runs the world.

So those of you who used google today may have seen Cern's Large Hadron Collider, which has just fired up. Turns out the head of Cern has been receiving death threats from people who think it will cause a black hole. Now, we appear to be black hole free, so I just want to make sure credit is given where credit is due. Since Cern is using LabVIEW, and had this thing blown up and caused a blackhole we would all be doomed, we really all have LabVIEW to thank. So I feel it is my duty, as a former LabVIEW instructor, to take credit for saving all your lives.
Your Welcome.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Mr. Burns has a new ipod.

My friend Kenn and I noticed this today, and have been wondering if Steve Jobs is Mr. Burns, who is Smithers?

Monday, September 08, 2008

Haunted by the ghost of calculus past

I spent four years, 10 semester as a math tutor. Many of those years I spent helping out all the engineers with Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, or Multi-Variable Calculus. But, even during those years I inevitably had to go and help all of the young saps taking their first year of calculus. Helping them was never much of a problem, unless it was during the first week. That was the raspberry seed in my tooth for all 10 of those semesters. Inevitably every one of said saps would ask how to do each and every proof. These proofs were so simple, yet they would stump me every semester. I would spend hours trying to remember how I solved it just 4 months earlier.
One can imagine my discouragement and unmitigated rage when in my first class, after taking a 2 year hiatus, the entire assignment was made up of those very same problems! I guess it just goes to show if you don't learn how to do something right at first, you will be doomed to do it 11 more times.