Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Feeling Altruistic

Years ago the Red cross wanted to increase the amount of blood being donated. Using basic economics they determined offering a small payment would provide an insensitive to entice new donors. Had the Red cross being dealing with another service their plan would have succeeded. However, it failed, dismally. Fewer people donated blood because they viewed the action as being less altruistic. Previously the "payment" for a few pints of blood was the feeling you had served your fellow man. If paid it wasn't really service. Causing a dilemma, blood was needed more than before, but now it was looked down on (Currently this can be seen with Plasma, were the only people who donate plasma are typically underprivileged or young. Even though donating plasma is just as great of service as donating blood). I viewed this firsthand during an activity put on for the Relief Society in the ward. After hearing the bishop remorse how several women in the ward never have the opportunity be courted by esteemed gentlemen. I decided we would at least give them the opportunity to dine and converse with a few cabelleros. After pitching the idea of making a dinner for the sisters, the Bishopric, who loved the idea, wanted to make the dinner themselves. Considering how most of our guest would prefer chicken cord on bleu to spaghetti, I let the bishopric cook. Reducing the elders assignment to serving dinner and providing delightful dinner conversation. My former ward calling was in Activities, where I had a string of horrendous activities that were hated by the masses. This was the first time I received compliments on an activity. Not only was the quantity of compliments high, but also the quality. Almost every girl I spoke with the following Sunday LOVED it. Yet, I keep hearing complaints from Elders saying "we didn't really serve them", or "we should have made the dinner". These comments made me decide it is time for a little analysis. Are we looking for ways to fill needs or are we looking for ways to feel needed? Are we trying to solve problems or are we just trying to get a warm fuzzy inside?

1 comment:

Steph said...

Donate your blood GG, you'll get warm fuzzies.