Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New stragegy: Be Big

A co-worker of mine who, on first inspection, is clueless to everything going on in the news said,
I guess the new strategy for companies is just to convince congress your too big to fail and so the government has to bail you out.
The big 3 is banking on that strategy, today they came out and said that 1 in 10 jobs is dependent on the auto industry. So they are arguing if the big three go under that unemployment will rise 10%. In a country that has been talking a lot about giving the little guy a chance, taxing the rich guys so the underprivlaged guy gets his shot at glory, you would think we would be happy to hear about the big company failing. This would be the best way for letting someone new climb to the top. Someone who will have better ideas, better technolgies, and even better prices. But I guess we just aren't ready for that type of change.

*The economist highlighted the largest companies today. Funny thing is that these are all the companies that are constantly demonized, yet they (unlike GM, AIG, Ford, and other failing companies) haven't been stealing money from american tax payers.

*UPDATE: Catherine Rampell questions how legit the 1 in 10 argument is.

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