Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Year Vacation

Today I read that the FED is pledging up to 7.7 trillion dollars to help ease the frozen credit market. Which amounts to approximately $69,268.11 per household. The average household income in 2007 was only $50,233. So if all that money is going to Americans who can't pay their mortgages and investors who, quite frankly, have preformed awfully. We could just skip all of these complicated processes of deciding who gets what and instead just give everyone 51 grand. Then all of those hard working Americans I keep hearing so much about could all take the year off. It would be a Nation wide holiday....all year! There would even be 2 trillion left over (we would give it to Barack Obama to use for his next campaign). I'm really looking forward to this year of plenty. Now I just need to find someone to make me lemonade while we are all on vacation.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I kind of assumed that's what was happening. Does this mean I shouldn't have quit my job and bought the restaurant-sized Country Time Lemonade jar?