Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Depression

I woke up thanksgiving morning to three stories in the paper describing the dire straights our economy is in. The Johnstons aren't going to grandpas for thanksgiving this year. Gas prices are just too high. 77% of consumers are going to spend less this Christmas. And the Patersons are eating at the soup kitchen for the first time. "Prices for everything are just too high. Gas, Food, everything is going through the roof."
Then we drove to Chuck A Rama, passing by several gas stations posting prices of $1.69 the lowest I have seen in over 4 years. Upon arrival I was immediately bombarded by mounds of every type of food I could think of. Once I was sufficiently satiated I rolled out to go home and read the rest of my paper. $29.99 for an mp3 player, $79.99 for a new GPS, $2 DVD's...Seriously $2 for spider man II, I don't even like spider man II and I suddenly I need to get to Walmart to buy 3.
Now I really did intend to get up at 4, and hit all of the stores before 6 as I had mapped out on my macbook, but since I stayed up all night watching Monk and other TV shows, that are available at any time of night, I wasn't able to wake up to my alarm. Of course it didn't help that I was fell asleep listening to my ipod.
Yes, these are going to be troubling economic times...Now I'll probably have to pay $5 for that copy of Spider Man II I didn't want. No wonder people keep comparing this to the great depression.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Now, I'm not positive but I get the feeling you are being slightly
facetious, not possible. That would not be like GG at all.

Chuck O' Rama? Really, GG, really?