Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Rat is DEAD

Finally after being tormented and robbed of our bread three nights in a row, our house will have one fewer mouth to feed.


Jesse said...

Two initial reactions.
2) What on Earth did you kill that with?

Jesse said...

and a third, delayed reaction
3) I demand a narrative the events.

Gavin said...

Oh Jesse, I wish I could tell all...but I am still rather traumatized by the whole ordeal. Every time the wind blows I still jump up on the nearest chair thinking the rats is back from the dead.
In short, Friday the rat was seen by Andrew and myself--IN OUR BEDROOM! Saturday, Abinadi saw him rip into my loaf of bread. It wasn't until this morning that the Jaws of death *available at your nearest Lowe's* caught up with him. The funny thing is that the rat had eaten all of the peanut butter off of the trap earlier in the night. For some reason he came back, and the now bait less trap was too irresistible for him to pass up. How the thing got in is still a mystery, but I have a hunch some kid threw him in the window when Tom wasn't here to give out Halloween candy. However he ended up getting in though, it was surely Tom's fault. :)